The wedding of your dreams - Lafayette Weddings

In response to the dreams of every bride in Dubai, the French fashion galleries Galleries Lafayette, together with The White House Events, opened a new wedding planning department called Lafayette Weddings ("Lafayette Weddings").

Specialists working at Lafayette Weddings can arrange absolutely everything for future brides, from the moment of engagement to the moment of the wedding and after it. A wedding is not just an important and big day of life, it is also a magical experience.

Lafayette Weddings takes into account everything that a couple needs before, during and after the wedding, from choosing rings to designing invitations, choosing photographers and video operators, choosing a dress for the bride, decorating a wedding cake and a million other important things.

Wedding professionals will help the couple choose the decor for their future home, making it an ideal place for guests, and help with preparing a gift list for young people.

“A wedding in the life of every bride is a unique chance to create their own dream world, where everything looks amazingly beautiful and idyllic. Thanks to the luxurious conditions presented in the Galeries Lafayette, my company The White House Events will be able to help every girl realize her ideas and dreams about a perfect wedding, based on the proposed budget, "said Suzanne Abu Eid, founder and CEO of The White House Events, in an interview with our correspondent. “When it comes to planning this most important event in the life of lovers, there can be no compromise. All details must be taken into account so that every moment of the evening becomes unique for both the bride and groom and their guests. Today, everything that is needed for weddings are organized in our Lafayette Weddings department. Future newlyweds from all over the world contact my company. I really like to fulfill their wishes, no matter how strange or funny they may be, making each couple even happier on the day of the wedding. I am inviting all your readers to my new department in the Galleries Lafayette, where we can discuss preparations for the wedding, I’ll tell you a secret - I have already organized several weddings for Russian-speaking residents of Dubai and tourists (now, by the way, it is becoming fashionable to arrange weddings in the Emirates) I think they were some of the most fun and noisy. "

So, if you are planning to get married or get married, head to Lafayette Weddings for help. Here, on the eve of the wedding, the bride will be advised on what hairstyle and make-up is best for her, what perfume to use. Not one, even the smallest and seemingly insignificant detail will escape the eyes of the professionals of Lafayette Weddings. Well? Honest pierce, yes for the wedding?

Watch the video: Lafayette Wedding: Molly & Ryan from SummerFall '17 of Real Weddings Magazine (May 2024).