White Mountain in the White Night

Interviewed: Elena Olkhovskaya

The summer months, despite the apparent lull, were marked by a mass of interesting events, both cultural and commercial. Maybe this did not affect literally all companies on a global scale, but the specialists of this famous manufacturer of elite writing instruments, watches, jewelry and leather goods had to travel a lot, communicate and implement new projects in the summer months. We are talking about Montblanc, whose vice president, Mr. Zonke Thorniport, we met and talked during the opening ceremony of a new brand boutique in Dubai.

Good afternoon, Zonke, before you became Montblanc's vice president of sales, you were closely involved in the markets of Russia and the CIS countries. What is your opinion about our countries, about their potential for a brand like Montblanc?

Oh, I know Russia well, and we work a lot with your country. Just a couple of days ago, I returned from the magnificent Stars of the White Nights festival, which is held in St. Petersburg on the initiative of the great conductor Valery Gergiev, and which we have been supporting for the past four years. I must say that St. Petersburg is a delightful city that constantly surprises.

I think we can safely talk about a “love story” between Russia and Montblanc, as we share a similar philosophy. Montblanc is a well-known fashion brand, thanks to which we have the opportunity to support modern classical music, art and implement various educational programs, for example, together with UNISEF. Classical music is very popular in Russia, which is probably why we have developed such warm friendly relations with Valery Gergiev, with whom we discover new talents and names for opera scenes of the world. This is an amazing collaboration. We have common views on the quality of music, on its philosophy.

Russia is a country with a rich cultural and historical heritage, which we, as manufacturers of luxury writing instruments, do not disregard. For example, we have released a limited series of pens "Fedor Dostoevsky", "Peter the Great", "Catherine the Great", and most recently a series of writing instruments "Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky" was released.

In addition, I must say that since the time of Peter the Great, the connection between Russia and Germany was very strong, and, of course, it is worth recalling all the German princesses, who at one time became Russian empresses. This is a historical connection between peoples, and we are its continuation. Currently, despite the horrors and pain of the First and Second World Wars, our peoples continue to develop and strengthen bilateral ties.

Please tell us what challenges did Montblanc face during the global financial crisis?

I have to say that no one can deny that the global financial crisis that began at the end of 2008 hit all spheres of people's lives. However, the situation at Montblanc was a little different, as we are still developing. We started our product diversification program just 20 years ago. This is a short time, considering that only in 2006 Montblanc celebrated its 100th anniversary. Moreover, we noted this date not in order to see what happened over the past hundred years, but in order to understand what will happen in the company over the next century. We have a clear vision of how the brand should be, and this can be clearly seen in all of our new stores, including this one at Boulevard Jumeirah Emirates Towers. This year, we opened boutiques in Dubai and Brandenburg, in the middle of last year, which means that, in the midst of the crisis, a flagship store in Paris. We do not look at the economic situation in the world, we are more interested in the program of brand development and diversification. We strive to position Montblanc not only as a leading manufacturer of writing instruments, but also as a watch and jewelry brand in the luxury segment. However, we could not help but adapt our strategy to the situation in the world, and for example, last year we released together with UNISEF a collection of Meisterstuck pens, which has received great recognition in the world. Today, 10% of their sales are transferred by us to UNISEF to support the education of children in developing countries. So I guess we have nothing to complain about the crisis. The brand is developing, we continue to launch new products, invest in production, develop our own clockwork and are optimistic about the future.

What categories of Montblanc products are most in demand today by customers in different countries of the world?

Our writing instruments are well-known in the world and also sell well, especially if they are pens from limited editions decorated with diamonds and precious stones, as these are more than just pens, they are already works of art that are of interest to wealthy people and collectors. Our pens are a brand of prestige, if you like. Recently, customer interest in our jewelry and watches has grown markedly. We try to produce products that have their own "history". It attracts people all over the world.

Do you know how many important historical documents in the world have been signed by Montblanc pens?

Complex issue. Great amount. I believe that no one counted for sure. But every day, there are hundreds of documents in the world, especially at official signing ceremonies.

I saw our pens in the hands of many heads of state. It speaks of the good taste of these gentlemen (laughs).

Which Montblanc products are recognized bestsellers?

Meisterstuck pens have been a worldwide bestseller since 1994. Now a diamond has appeared on their top, but this has not affected anything. These pens are also in demand today, as in the last century. Our Reusec watches are becoming a modern bestseller, as their creation has a unique history.

By the way, how did the world watch industry react to the "watch experiences" of Montblanc?

When we first started developing our first watches ten years ago, famous watchmakers laughed and asked us where we were going to fill in ink. We were not taken seriously. And now they treat us with great respect, since very few have managed to develop their own clockwork in ten years, but we succeeded.

A similar situation was with our patented diamond cut in the form of a six-pointed star, which completely coincides with the appearance of the Montblanc logo. At first, no one believed that this was possible, now everyone admires. And we are pleased to exploit this unique diamond of ours in jewelry, watches and accessories.

Back to the Middle East. What will be the next steps for brand development in this region?

We came to the Middle East region, which we consider to be one of our main markets, more than twenty years ago. By the way, Montblanc was one of the first European brands to open its own boutiques in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Over the years, we have managed to create an extensive network of stores.

We consider the UAE, and in particular, Dubai, as the most potential platform for our brand, as new shopping centers and fashionable hotels are constantly appearing here. We try to offer the latest collections in this market and update the look of our boutiques. I think this is very important if we want to stay at the peak of popularity.

What other countries do you consider target markets for Montblanc?

Montblanc brand is represented on all continents, almost evenly. And this cannot but rejoice. Of the new markets that we are still discovering, I would name China and India, both with huge potential and huge populations, whose wealth is constantly growing. And, of course, the Middle East and the markets of Russia and the CIS countries.

Thank you very much for the conversation, Zonka. See you in Dubai.

Watch the video: The White Mountain Abduction Gray Brothers HD (July 2024).