Kim Basinger: about age, cosmetics and movies

Cosmetic giant Coty Prestige has made contact with actress Kim Basinger to present the new Lancaster cosmetic collection, which went on sale in the fall of 2007. Lancaster, a leading brand in the production of anti-aging cosmetics, chose Kim Basinger as its "face" for its "radiant beauty and feminine sensuality." According to the rules of the agreement, Kim Basinger is the "face" of the new Lancaster line worldwide, except for the USA. The philosophy of the Lancaster brand, which the famous actress expresses in her image, is based on the motto: "Add life to age, not age to life." About what Kim herself thinks about beauty, a healthy lifestyle, cosmetics and movies, the actress shared with us during an online interview.

Kim about beauty

Kim, look at yourself in the mirror and say what you like and what you don’t?

Sometimes in the morning I hate literally everything. The next morning, I can just like my lips, especially when they are weathered, because then they look full and have a red tint, and I do not need to use lipstick.

Your first action after you got out of bed?

The first is to drink a half-liter bottle of drinking water.

What is the main secret to the beauty of your skin?

No sun.

How do you recover from a sleepless night or night air travel?

Prayers. Earnest prayers. Yes! Chilled bags of herbal tea on the eyes will not hurt either.

How do you take care of your body (sports, massage ...)?

I pray even more diligently, as well as exercise with loads and on cardio machines.

Kim, are you afraid of old age?

Well, depending on what age we are talking about? 90 years old? Or 100? ... Then, yes, of course. Any person answering no is certainly lying. But let's look at it from the other side. What good is fear or excitement? Experiences only add facial wrinkles. We are all busy gradually getting old. Any of us ... right now, at this very moment. It all depends on whether you are emotionally dependent on the running of time or, on the contrary, you are so busy and helping someone or something on this planet that time is not such an important component of your life. ... Then it doesn’t appears for the time being on your face or body.

Which of the latest cosmetic innovations really impressed you?

I just finished an eight-week marathon with daily night shots, and again, cool bags of herbal tea made my face look fresh and rested. I do not use many expensive creams. It's simple: a mild cleansing milk, sun protection and plenty of water. All that a woman needs to look young for a long time is to take care of herself regularly. I try to always look well-groomed: a minimum of "natural" makeup, a toned figure. At the same time, I am fundamentally boycotting the Los Angeles SPA salons. I prefer to use "grandmother" beauty recipes. Until twenty you have the face with which you were born, and after that - the face that you deserve.

And yet, what is your favorite cream?

Are you kidding, right? Of course, from Lancaster!

What cosmetics can you never refuse?

From sunscreen and lip balm with a degree of protection SPF 50.

How do you take care of your hair?

I put oil on my hair, fix it behind with a weak rubber band and leave it in this state for four days, not washing it and not putting it. This is the easiest way, in this form you can even go for dinner or go on a business trip. In a word, where you need it. Olive oil is great on the days when I know for sure that I will be at home. In addition, the market offers some types of excellent oils designed specifically for hair care.

What do you think about today's massive obsession with facial “beauty injections” (collagen, botox, and so on)?

This is not just insanity, it is a massive nightmare. It seems to me that if all these drugs do something good, then they definitely don’t give anyone eternal youth. What principles do you follow in your diet? Eat little and even less when you get older. To drink a lot of water. Include as many vegetables, fruits, nuts, wine, laughter and dance as possible in your diet!

Kim about the movie

Kim, how did you manage the success of the movie "Nine and a Half Weeks" and the fact that you were considered and continue to be considered a sex symbol?

The picture "Nine and a half weeks" was a real gift for me. In fact, it’s even hard for me to list here everything that she gave me. One of these gifts was my acceptance and appreciation of the fact that for many years I did not allow and even tried to hide from myself. The painting taught me a lot in the sense of my sexuality and what it means to be free.

In the movie "Secrets of Los Angeles" (1997), you played a delightful and complex role as a seducer. What was your reaction to the Academy Award?

Not like Cinderella’s ... in a fairy tale. Presentation of the Oscars never seems real.

Is there an annotation for your new film with Jeff Bridges, what attracted you to participate in this project?

I still have not decided exactly what my next project will be.

Thank you and good luck to you.

Watch the video: 22 Celebs Who Are Even More Gorgeous Without Makeup (July 2024).