You can’t forbid to be beautiful

If a man carefully examines the assortment displayed in a shop window in a jewelry store, this does not mean that he chooses a gift for his lover. Perhaps the object of his attention is jewelry, which he is going to wear himself.

This trend is gaining momentum from year to year. Men's "jewelry" is becoming increasingly popular, it is a fact. And although today this market segment occupies no more than 2% of the total volume of jewelry production, this industry shows the highest growth rates. There are entire companies specializing in the manufacture of jewelry for men.

For example, one of the recognized leaders in this market is the company Baraka, which has introduced gold bracelets on a rubber strap into fashion, which for more than 10 years have remained popular among men with good taste.

So what do men wear besides watches and wedding rings? First of all, these are rings, cufflinks, hairpins for ties, chains and bracelets. Watches deserve a separate discussion, and we will not touch on them for now, just like trinkets, lighters, cigarette cases and expensive pens, which can be attributed to accessories rather than jewelry, although jewelers do not bypass this topic.

When representatives of a strong half of humanity decide for themselves whether to wear or not to wear jewelry, the main question usually becomes whether they will look “courageous” at the same time. And although throughout the history of mankind jewelry was not the prerogative of women, and sometimes vice versa (you can recall the primitive hunters who wore beads from the fangs of the animals they obtained, and monarchs crowned with all kinds of regalia and insignia), the twentieth century introduced its amendments. Among the general population, it was believed that all these were “female things,” and apart from a wedding ring, it was not appropriate for men to wear other jewelry.

However, times are changing, and men's jewelry is becoming fashionable again, exploring new horizons. Even such a material uncharacteristic for men's jewelry, like pearls, began to find its application. Just look at the collection of bracelets and pendants, which was released by the repeated Olympic champion in swimming, Australian Ian Thorpe (Ian Thorpe).

So, if you decide to keep up with world fashion trends and complement your image with jewelry, then you should listen to the following tips. If you don’t have nostalgia for the “brotherly” past and you are not a dark-skinned hip-hop star, you should not hang yourself with kilogram chains or wear rings similar to brass knuckles. The times are already gone when the amount of gold put on was a kind of visiting card and showed the level of well-being and your position in society.

All gems weighing more than five carats are best left to your ladies: too large stones do not look quite masculine. In any case, your best decoration can only be a beautiful woman who is nearby, and large stones will suit her much more. If you want your jewelry to look expensive and solid, pay attention to the stones of a more modest size, but with higher characteristics. In this case, the principle “the more the better” obviously does not work.

It is not recommended to wear items made of gold in different colors at the same time. For example, if you wear a yellow metal watch, the ring or cufflinks should be the same color, with rare exceptions. There are no strict rules on which finger to wear the ring, although previously it was considered good form to wear a signet ring only on the little finger. It should be remembered: the ring and engagement ring are best worn on different hands. It is not recommended to wear two rings or rings on one hand.

There are more sophisticated rules. For example, if you wear a tuxedo, it is better to leave your Rolex on a massive metal bracelet at home. Choose a watch with a black leather strap. Also, do not combine a tuxedo with yellow metal cufflinks: they will not be in harmony with the strict tone of your suit. To some, such rules will seem redundant (perhaps this is so), but most of them still comply with aesthetic standards and bear the imprint of good taste.

But the main rule of wearing jewelry is that they should emphasize your personality and match your image. If you have short and full fingers, do not wear massive wide rings. Or if you have a narrow wrist, it is not recommended to choose a watch the size of an "Dawn" alarm clock. And do not forget about the sense of proportion: if women’s jewelry is too pompous and pretentious, they are still excusable, then in the case of jewelry elements of male style they are simply unacceptable.

Dmitry Kuznetsov