UAE authorities adopt ecotourism development program

The UAE Government has adopted a program to promote ecotourism in the country.

The head of the Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Protection, Dr. Thani Ibn Ahmed Al Zeyudi, launched an ecotourism development program whose goal is to make the UAE one of the main ecotourism destinations in the world.

The ministry intends to accelerate the development of ecotourism in the country. The department will prepare new tourist routes and carry out work to disseminate information about the protected areas of the UAE.

To solve this problem, the ministry will work closely with travel agencies, embassies and airlines. In total, the UAE has 43 protected areas.

It is important to note that the influx of tourists will help to accumulate funds for environmental protection. Mr. Zeyudi claims that in total, protected areas in the UAE make up 14% of the total area of ​​the country.

"Trends in international tourism over the past decade reflect a high demand for ecotourism. This type of recreation is widespread among tourists who do not want to harm nature during their stay in the country," the official added.

According to him, ecotourism is approximately 20% of the total volume of international travel.

The program will introduce to the world community the direction of ecotourism in the UAE. It includes several phases. The first phase is a pilot phase, at this stage the ministry will present the natural wonders of the UAE and demonstrate rich biological diversity in 43 protected areas of the Emirates.

In August, the ministry will launch a special website and an application aimed at raising awareness of the protected areas both among residents of the UAE and among guests of the state. Travel agencies will use the information from this site to form tours.

The site and application will serve as a wonderful information and visual resource that can be used to attract tourist flow to the country.

The third phase includes the promotion of mountain and marine natural attractions of the United Arab Emirates.

"The UAE seeks to maintain a high pace of development, taking into account trends in many industries, especially in the tourism sector, we intend to provide everyone with the opportunity to spend an environmentally friendly holiday in our country," Mr. Zeyudi emphasized.

Watch the video: Dr. Laurie Marker: "A Future for Cheetahs". Talks at Google (July 2024).