Next week, UAE residents will observe the last lunar eclipse this year

A partial lunar eclipse can be observed in the United Arab Emirates next week for several hours.

The last lunar eclipse this year can be observed in the sky over the UAE on July 16, 2019. A partial eclipse will occur on July 16-17 and will last about three hours. The next lunar eclipse is expected only in May 2021.

In case of favorable weather conditions, residents of Dubai will be able to observe the eclipse with the naked eye.

Hassan Al-Hariri, CEO of Dubai Astronomy Group, recalled that observing the eclipse is not at all harmful to health. In addition, he urged people not to succumb to provocations and not go about superstitions.

"Eclipses give us the opportunity to study the smallest details of the structure of the solar system and the functioning of the universe," he said.

The eclipse can be observed in other parts of the world, including most of Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, South and North America, the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic, Indian Ocean and Antarctica.

Watch the video: Watch Solar Eclipse (July 2024).