Dr. Azima Rashidova - obstetrician-gynecologist

We continue our acquaintance with Russian-speaking doctors practicing in the UAE. Our guest is an obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, doctor of medical sciences, associate professor Azima Rashidova.

Dr. Rashidova has been practicing for over 32 years, 15 of which are in the UAE. In Uzbekistan, Azima Rashidova also headed the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Bukhara Medical Institute.

We asked Dr. Rashidova several questions that our women would certainly be interested in: about the impact of the local climate and lifestyle on our women's health, about prevention, and about new methods and technologies for treating gynecological diseases.

“To begin with, I would like to recall what modern gynecology is. It is a complex discipline that includes a variety of areas: gynecological endocrinology and oncology, treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases, treatment of infertility, diseases of the mammary glands, as well as cosmetology and pediatric gynecology. In addition, we help with family planning, we give birth prenatal care and we take birth, including operative, and we also advise on the selection of the best methods and contraceptives. Well, and O f course, gynecologists take control of women in such a difficult period for them as preklimaks and menopause.

Here, in the Emirates, during my 15-year practice in the public and private sectors, I noticed a certain pattern in the occurrence of certain gynecological problems in women both living here for many years and visitors. In the first place in frequency is polycystic ovary. One of the reasons for its appearance I can name diabetes in the family history, as well as the local difficult climate and unhealthy diet. Many also suffer from hormonal failure, which leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle. And again, the reason is improper nutrition (the habit of eating in cheap fast foods), an immobile lifestyle, a violation of vitamin balance, vegetarianism and stress.

And in third place of this unhealthy rating - vaginal infections, the cause of which are not only all of the above features of local life, but also external factors, such as dirty pool water and random connections.

A separate word about diabetes, which here, unfortunately, is detected in most women. This disease greatly complicates the passage of pregnancy and can lead to fetal abnormalities. The reason, again, is not only heredity, but also improper nutrition and a fixed lifestyle.

The basis of Soviet health care was timely disease prevention. I still adhere to this practice, especially when it comes to pregnancy. And so, a trip to the gynecologist for a regular examination should be at least twice a year. And when there are any complaints - immediately, without delaying until the moment when the disease is already in full swing. Indeed, thanks to modern diagnostic and treatment methods (hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, laboratory tests, artificial reproductive technology, etc.), we have the ability to quickly identify most gynecological diseases in the early stages and effectively to heal.

I would also like to recall the tests that every woman should take regularly, even in the absence of any complaints. Once a year, a pap test, a vaginal smear, a general analysis of blood, urine, breast screening and pelvic ultrasound. And for women after 40, an annual mammography is also added.

Over 15 years of practice in the UAE, I had to face very rare and complex cases. For example, uterine pregnancy combined with an ectopic at the same time. Patient M., 25 years old, was examined by me at home on December 25, 2014. From the anamnesis and the results of the examination available with her, I found out that she was 5 weeks pregnant, and that the last 5 days the patient had been with her gynecologist 3 times with complaints of pain in the lower abdomen, where she was prescribed treatment that preserves the uterine pregnancy. After examining the patient and realizing the severity of her condition, I immediately transported her to one of the hospitals in the city, where she was immediately operated on. With laparoscopy, 3 liters of blood were found in her abdominal cavity. I managed to maintain a uterine pregnancy, which is generally casuistry in gynecology, since maternal survival with such a pathology is only 50%, not to mention a 5-week embryo. In August 2015, the patient herself safely gave birth to a healthy baby. "

Mobile: +971 50 190-6264 (in case of emergency)

The full list of Russian-speaking doctors practicing in the UAE is here

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