Something physics is in high esteem.
Something lyrics in the paddock.
The point is dry calculation,
the matter is in world law ...

Boris Slutsky, Literary Newspaper, 1959

Almost every second person on the planet after gloriously spent summer vacations is overtaken by a "post-vacation syndrome." It manifests itself in all different ways. Someone is drawn to complete all labor feats in one day or to clear up the things that have accumulated during the absence at the office as soon as possible. This is nervous, experts say! And they will be right. Others, on the contrary, can not get out of a state of blissful peace and strive to reduce the number of unnecessary gestures to zero, finding pleasure in laziness, idleness and contemplation of the surrounding reality, as it were "from the outside." And, probably, the former can be attributed to physicists, albeit a little alarmed, and the latter to lyricists, prone to studying inner experiences. ... Do you recognize yourself? I yes, it seems to me that just now the period of scanning my own subconscious has begun.

What do you want most - to work or to be lazy? Dangerous, by the way, syndrom. According to psychologists, it can lead to a deep withdrawal into oneself without a desire to return to society. And my colleague, thinking about something, chews a bun, drinking her coffee and looking out the window ... Far somewhere! However, once. So much to do with the onset of the first months of autumn! Our editorial staff to move to the long-awaited new office on Prospect them. Sheikh Zayed.

Go to the Moscow exhibition, again, "Rest". Or, at least to collect children in school. I wonder who they grow up? Physicists or lyrics? Today, of course, is not the 1960s, when society was clearly divided into both. The former were more in demand in the name of world progress and the prosperity of science, while the latter were revered by worthless romantics, dreamers and contemplators ... But even today, there has been a growing interest in high-tech specialties and a more mathematical and accurate IT approach to all aspects of life.

What is this, a new wave of physicists and lyricists? Or is it “the matter of world law,” which is being increasingly corrected against the backdrop of periodically occurring financial and political crises? May be. But everything is simpler, in my opinion. You don’t need to divide anyone (it’s better to multiply, isn’t it?), Since even the most unshakable “physicists” will not be hindered by a creative look at solving a dry mathematical problem, and the romantic and dreamy “lyricists” will have a little pragmatism for realizing their far-reaching creative plans. In the world, everything is balanced and in harmony. The main thing is to find it inside yourself, and, looking around you, try to discern everything good and good in people, nature, and the environment. And it doesn’t matter if you consider yourself a galaxy of physicists or lyricists. It is important to remember that "while we are angry at life, it passes." This was said by one beautiful Russian woman, a playwright and screenwriter, and it is difficult to argue with her.

And this means that it's time to shake off the "post-vacation" laziness, smile and start doing good! Here, at least, from the next Monday. Okay? And start to listen and hear. Not only yourself, but also others. Be sure to call the first teacher on Knowledge Day and clearly plan at least the "first quarter" of your upcoming "school" year. It promises to be eventful and interesting. We will look forward to both your physical successes and lyrical digressions, so that we have something to tell the rest. However, as always!

Watch the video: Dottie Peoples"First Class Physician!" (July 2024).