If you really want to, you can fly into space

Until recently, the idea of ​​the appearance of a real cosmodrome in the UAE seemed absurd and fantastic. But now it turned out that she was not so far from reality.

The only commercial company in the world that sends space tourists to zero gravity space is planning to build a commercial spaceport in the emirate of Ras al-Khaimah.

Despite the fact that it will be very small, and its infrastructure will be simple, company representatives assure that by all standards it will meet the requirements for real large spaceports. As an example, they cite the Edwards air Force space base in American California, which has minimal infrastructure, but can be used for landing space shuttles.

The emirate’s leadership will contribute in every way to the project, as it has a deep interest in the development of space tourism in the Persian Gulf. Space tourism is expensive. The first three tourists who chose space as a tourist destination paid about $ 30 million.

Watch the video: Why can't we fly a plane into space ? (May 2024).