Seventh art

The seventh art screening, launched last year by the Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority, will delight moviegoers until mid-May and present two new programs.
One of these programs, under which screenings of world-famous film masterpieces will take place, is called "The Greatest Films of All Time". Film screenings will be held once every two weeks on Sundays in the audience of the Manarat Al Saadiyat Center, alternating with a series of documentaries on the history of cinema.

In addition, within the framework of this project, everyone is invited to watch family films in the summer cinemas of Abu Dhabi on Saturdays. All films will be presented by renowned film expert Peter Scarlet, who again oversees the program and will lead discussions after watching. The program of the film "Citizen Kane" directed by Orson Welles (USA, 1941) - March 6, "Dizziness" (USA, 1958) Alfred Hitchcock and others. Outdoor film screenings began on Saturday February 20 with the screening of Theeb, the first Arab film to be nominated for an Academy Award nomination for Best Foreign Language Film. Films will be screened every Saturday.

Watch the video: 13:Trayodasha. Seventh Art. Micro Drama (May 2024).