Traditions of CHARITY

Traditions of CHARITY

He who gives to the poor does not become poor; but he who closes his eyes to him has many curses. (28:27, Book of the Solomon parables)

The holy Muslim month of Ramadan, the month of universal mercy, this year was special for the Emirates: the traditional charity events of the state, public foundations and private donations were supplemented by the grandiose nationwide company Dubai Cares (“Dubai cares”) to raise funds for educating children in the poorest countries of the world. The response to the call of the ruler of Dubai, who initiated the campaign, was so extensive that the six-week collection plan was completed in six days. As of mid-October, more than 1 billion dirhams were transferred in favor of Dubai Cares, in the original plans, the figure was 200 million dirhams. Anastasia Zorina tells about a wonderful example of beneficence.

The light of knowledge is the light of hope

Charitable company Dubai Cares broke into the life of the Emirates unexpectedly, to match the new grandiose project in real estate. In the middle of the holy month, Ramadan, the Dubai head Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, announced the general mobilization of human mercy. He called on all residents of the country, regardless of nationality and religion, to make a contribution to the education of a million children from the poorest countries of the world.

Education among many life components of children from Africa and Asia was not chosen by chance. In a speech at the opening of the campaign, Sheikh Mohammed emphasized that Dubai Cares "seeks to ignite the light of knowledge that can break the impenetrable darkness of the predestination of poverty, giving children from the world's poorest countries hope for a better future and the opportunity to change circumstances."

“Here, in the Emirates, thanks to Allah, we live to the highest standards, enjoy all the benefits of civilization,” the Dubai ruler said in his speech, “the basis of our success is our abilities and knowledge developed and acquired through education that help us create opportunities for growth and development, and next to us more than 120 million school-age children do not have the opportunity to study in schools. Every third child from developing countries does not finish the five grades necessary to achieve the minimum level of grams tnosti.

Where indifference lives, poverty grows, diseases and suffering spread, despair reigns, people begin to believe in fiction and illusion. The most terrible disease of our planet arises from a combination of indifference and poverty. This is precisely the disease that many countries plagued by poverty and contention, aggravating the gap between the rich north and the poor south, between developed and developing countries. Between communities that possess knowledge and communities that do not. "

He particularly appealed to commercial organizations operating in the UAE, reminding them of the need to think not only about profit, but also about corporate social responsibility. The Dubai Cares team has developed a special program: dozens of options for conducting intra-corporate fundraising campaigns for children were offered to the management of business structures.

From transferring payment for after-hours and organizing a day without a tie, for the absence of which employees will have to pay a fee, to organizing auctions of used CDs and DVDs and books, as well as simply refusing to pay for one day.

The Dubai chapter asked ordinary people to sacrifice as much as possible, but not to remain indifferent and distant from the misfortunes of others.

Especially for the campaign, the Dubai Cares charitable foundation was created, which was headed by the children of Sheikh Mohammed - the daughters of Mayt and Manal, and five sons - Mayid, Ahmed, Maktum, Rashid and Hamdan.

The fundraising was planned to be carried out by receiving donations from companies and individuals, mass charity events, which the Dubai Cares initiative group was supposed to organize within six weeks, selling coupons and other events. The funds accumulated as a result of the campaign will be used to build schools, train teachers, purchase textbooks and stationery, pay for school meals and provide medical services for children from the poorest countries of the world, including those where Islam is not the dominant religion.

In conclusion, Sheikh Mohammed set the amount and term - US $ 55 million in six weeks.

Millions and billions

The charisma of the Dubai leader turned the small coastal emirate with minimal oil reserves into an object of universal admiration. It worked this time too: a six-week fundraising plan was completed in just six days. Dubai's charity initiative has taken over the country with lightning speed. Telecommunications company etisalat persistently sent reminders to all its subscribers every morning. All local newspapers highlighted special events in Dubai Cares. Donation boxes were installed in crowded places, and information boards were hung around Dubai. The name Dubai Cares sounded from radios, televisions and captured part of the life of each with five multi-colored hands of the logo.

The first donors were wealthy native Emirates who transferred millions from their own income - Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al-Maktum, President of the Department of Civil Aviation of Dubai and Chairman of Emirates Airlines, Sheikh Khasher Maktum, Director of the Information Department of Dubai, Major General Musabeh Rashid Musabeh Al-Fattan, Director of the Sofa under Sheikh Mohammed, gave in favor of children at US $ 2.8. Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem, Chairman of Dubai World - US $ 5.6. Following the Emaar Industries and Investments Corporation (US $ 277,000), Emirate businessman Muhammad Juma Al-Nabuda transferred US $ 2.7 million to Dubai Cares.

Thus, in 24 hours it was possible to collect an incredible US $ 17 million! Then came etisalat telecommunications company (US $ 7 million), the emirate businessman Ziad Galadari (US $ 1.6 million) and Dubai-based developer Damac Properties, who donated 10 apartments for auction in favor of Dubai Cares.

Donations to the Dubai Cares account poured in.

The plan of US $ 55 million was completed in six days. We managed to achieve the planned fees in just one day. The largest amount in favor of children from the poorest countries was made by Mr. Sunny Warkley, head of the Verkey Educational Group corporation, who wrote a check for Dubai Cares in the amount of US $ 30 million. Dr. Derek Bokhta, general manager of ET Kerney Limited and Mickey Jaktiani, head of Landmark Group corporation gave away US $ 1.4 million each. Together, the donations of three emirate businessmen almost doubled their previous fees.

And this is in just one week!

The Emirate business has been actively replenishing the Dubai Cares account in the following weeks. Dubai developers are actively raising the box office. Our regular partner, Dubai's leading commercial real estate developer Al Fajer Properties, has donated US $ 2.8 million, despite the millions of dollars spent on its own charity event held by Al Fajer Properties every Ramadan. Tatweer, part of Dubai Holding, transferred US $ 17 million, The Lagoons developer Sama Dubai - US $ 14 million, Tameer developer - US $ 1.4 million A check for US $ 2.8 million was received from the project management Dubai Sports City.

US $ 5.6 million transferred to Dubai Cares Dubai Duty Free duty free shop and US $ 1.4 million - Media Free Zone Authority. Dubai police transferred US $ 700,000, Al-Zahra hospital US $ 2.8 million. The union of sellers and producers of gold gave US $ 280,000, with plans to transfer another US $ 560,000 to the end of the company. A group of textile sellers transferred US $ 280,000, and the Dodsal Group is a little less than US $ 2 million.

The famous electronics supplier and seller Jumbo Electronics has donated US $ 2.8 and is going to transfer 1% of the turnover for six weeks of operation of all 19 stores of his network.

Dubai educational institutions also joined the action. 11 universities, whose campuses are located in the Dubai educational zone of Dubai Knowledge Village, held a joint competition, all of the proceeds from which were transferred in favor of Dubai Cares. The American University of Dubai held an action within its walls and donated US $ 560,000 to the mountain, collected by students, teachers and staff.

Dubai Men’s College and Higher Technology Colleges hold a special promotion. The Dubai International Academy, for example, organized a dinner for its partners, students and their parents: the amount of voluntary fees was US $ 139,000.

For millions of donations from business structures, donations from ordinary people were almost invisible to the general public. It turned out, however, that even the emirate "penny" can be saving in the countries of the third world. For example, US $ 5.6 will provide lunch for one student for two weeks, for US $ 14 - one child will be able to undergo a medical examination, including vaccination; US $ 28 - pay for books and school supplies for two students per year, and for US $ 69 one teacher will receive advanced training. A total of US $ 139 is needed for a child from a developing country as an annual tuition fee, and those who donate US $ 278 may never know that they have provided drinking water to an entire school for the whole school year.

Residents of the Emirates show their support to the initiative of Sheikh Mohammed not only with money, but also with deeds. More than 100 schools in Dubai signed up for the coupon distribution program: students receive 20 little dirham coupons (US $ 5.6 each) in their hands and sell them to their neighbors and friends. Emirate-renowned environmentalist Ibrahim Al-Zubi from Abu Dhabi dived with the Dubai Cares flag to draw attention to the company.

Dear T-shirt

In October, the Dubai Cares Foundation held three major charity events.

On October 15, a symphony orchestra performed music from Walt Disney cartoons on the shores of Dubai Creek. Quite an expensive pleasure - to watch your favorite cartoons on giant screens accompanied by an orchestra turned out to be affordable for many residents of Dubai, because all fees went in favor of Dubai Cares. As a result, millions of dirhams replenished the box office of the campaign.

On October 19, everyone took part in the pedestrian marathon, which was personally led by the daughter of the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mayt Bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum. More than 4,000 participants, mostly children, walked three kilometers, showing their support for the Dubai charity initiative.

The main event was a charity auction, lots for which were put up by members of wealthy families of the Emirates. The most expensive lot unexpectedly was the sports shirt of the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed, in which he won the endurance race in Spain in 2002.

A generous buyer - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sama Dubai, Farhan Faraidoni, paid US $ 4.4 million for it.

Hashim Al-Dabbal, chairman of the board of directors of Dubai Properties, acquired a unique edition of the Koran, written 300 years ago in gold. He contributed US $ 1.2 million to the box office of the auction. For almost a million dollars, the painting of the daughter of the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Manal, went under the hammer. The other 12 lots did not make such a big contribution, but in a few hours the account of Dubai Cares replenished by US $ 9 million.

On the night of October 20, Emirate businessman Muhammad Ibrahim Obaididullah gave Dubai Cares US $ 1.4 million - the campaign cashier crossed the limit of one billion emirate dirhams, which is slightly less than 300 million US dollars and five times the planned amount. And ahead - two more weeks.

In my brother’s house, a special place is taken for a wheelchair. "Special" is not because it is intended for my niece, a disabled person of the first group of cerebral palsy, it is unlikely to ever be useful to her. And because this stroller is a symbol of the victory of the family of a disabled child over the indifference of the state, which allocated the same money to purchase devices on two wheels after several exhausting ships. When the baby was born and became, through the fault of doctors, disabled, the big and rich Russia defiantly turned to her heartbroken parents with her broad, great-power back. For many years, she did not even try to change the position of her body, but in every possible way built barriers, eloquently making it clear to all of us that the personal grief of his citizens of the country did not concern. No one is offended for a long time, no one believes in miracles, they are used to it.

Living in the Emirates, I learned to share. Once again, giving donations to educate children in Africa, building nursing homes in Yemen, buying wheelchairs for India, I deeply hope that my state will also someday take care of a little girl with big green eyes, my niece Polina. Still, deep down, I again believe in miracles.

Watch the video: Mehriban Aliyeva I hope to revive the traditions of charity in Azerbaijan (July 2024).